Friday, July 27, 2012

Change Your Family's Course of History

-Stop Blaming Your Genes-Adjust Your Lifestyle

-Stop Blaming Your Genes
Here is a very important message if you want to live an active, healthy, quality of life for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond: Stop blaming your genes. Too many people rationalize unhealthy choices with words like, "Why bother, it's in my genes." You can’t get away with this anymore.

The lifestyle choices that you make for yourself and your family can literally change the course of your history. A family history of heart disease or cancer used to mean that it was your destiny to get those conditions too because they were "in your genes." Through the science of Epi-genetics we are learning that nothing could be further from the truth. Epi-genetics, which means 'around the gene', has shown that your lifestyle choices, both positive and negative, can influence the expression of your genes, turning them on and off like a light switch. 

In the largest nature/nurture study that was ever done, on 44,000 pairs of twins, it was found that the primary determinates in most cases of cancer were environmental or lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, diet and exercise habits rather than the inherited disposition of their family history.

A recent report in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA found the activity of more than 500 genes in the normal tissue of thirty men with low-risk prostate cancer changed after the patients began eating diets higher in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and lower in red meats and fats while also implementing an exercise and stress reducing regimen.

After three months the men had changes in the activity of about 500 genes including 48 disease preventing genes that were turned on and 453 disease promoting genes that were turned off. 

Adjust Your Lifestyle
Changing the course of your history is not rocket science. Eating a diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats will keep you lean and healthy and they will activate healthy genes. Exercise, as a part of a lifestyle, reduces stress, strengthens your heart and muscles and has been shown to reduce the risk of nearly every disease. 

Optimistic thinking has been shown to keep people motivated to make healthy lifestyle choices regardless of their circumstances. In addition, chiropractic care as a part of a healthy lifestyle, Lifestyle Care, keeps your spine and nervous system aligned, balanced and healthy and free from deterioration, this ensures that the vital messages between the brain and the body are optimized. Reducing stress is also important as stress has been shown to shorten the telomeres, or caps on the genes, which can reduce the life expectancy of your cells. 

One of the life-changing principles of The 100 Year Lifestyle is "Change is easy, thinking about change is hard." It is much easier to eat healthy and exercise regularly as a part of your lifestyle than it is to be on a weight gain-weight loss rollercoaster or to chronically have to deal with being sick or injured. 

Chiropractic care as a part of a lifestyle is a much better option than the crisis to crisis suffering that comes with an unhealthy spine and nervous system. Bringing these values into your home can literally change the course of your history and ensure a healthy future for you and your loved ones. 

Please take advantage of the resources our office provides to help you and your loved ones rewrite your history. Contact us to make an appointment for yourself or someone in your family. A healthy future could be yours for generations.

© 2012. TFP, Inc and All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Top 10 Reasons to Get Your Spine Checked

10. The times that you need your spine the most will be the time that it will tend to give out on you.
If you neglect your spine and nervous system, you can be sure that when you need it the most due to stress, physical activity, business or pleasure travel, it can give out on you. Extra stress on a weakened spine and nervous system can overload your system and contribute to health problems. Lifestyle Care can keep you healthy and prevent these inconvenient episodes from putting a damper on your life.

9. Nerve pressure can exist without pain.
According to the research, pain is not a good indicator of how healthy or unhealthy your spine and nervous system are. Spinal examinations such as posture, weight balance, palpation, muscle testing, computer scans and x-rays are much better indicators. Pain is usually the last to show up and the first to be relieved when you begin chiropractic care. 

8. Nerves supply your whole body.
Your spine protects your nerve system, the master control center of your body. Vital energy flows over your nerves and communications with every cell. Nerve pathways must be clear for the messages to get through. If you have an uncorrected spinal problem, it can cause a decrease in the function of vital organs and systems, and lead to unecessary pain or health problems.

7. Deterioration can begin within 2 weeks.
Researchers found that when the spine is misaligned it can begin to deteriorate within 2 weeks. Think about how many two weeks have passed since you were born, which is often when the first spinal injury or vertebral subluxation occurs. How many two weeks are there from a childhood fall to age 50? Is it any wonder why more than 15 million people are diagnosed with osteoarthritis each year? Don't wait another 2 weeks for a check up.

6. Your quality of life depends on a healthy spine.
If you want to be healthy and active as you age, your spine and nervous system must be healthy. Period.

5. The straw will break the camel's back.
We’ve all heard the expression “the straw that broke the camel’s back.” This is so true for too many people who ignore minor spinal problems. One day they do something simple, like bend down to tie their shoe, and they can’t get up. Major problems are much more painful and expensive to care for, and they can ruin your day, or even worse, your life.

4. Grandma and Grandpa didn't get crooked overnight. They grew that way over time.
Over time, the spine and nervous system deteriorates, not because of age, but because of subluxations. Just like the tires on your car wear down unevenly when they are misaligned, the same can happen in your spine. You may have some areas in your spine that look and feel like they are 80 years old while you have other areas that are more like a 30 year old. You can keep your entire spine healthy with chiropractic Lifestyle Care.

3. Good posture keeps you young and attractive.
When your body becomes bent over and crooked, you will look and feel old and decrepit. If you keep your posture and your spine straight and strong, you will stay healthier and feel younger and more attractive. People often use drastic measures to preserve their youthful appearance as they age. Don’t you think a facelift would look silly on a person whose spine and nervous system were neglected?

2. You can't afford to get sick or injured.
Now more than ever, you cannot afford to get sick. Crisis care costs are astronomical and an unhealthy spine and nervous system can be the cause of many problems. Getting your spine and nervous system checked and adjusted regularly can help you stay healthier and save you money in the long run.

1. Because you were born.
Everybody deserves to be healthy from the time they are born through their last breathe of life. This includes you. Too many people wait until they have intense pain and suffering before they make their health a priority. Don't let this happen to you. 

© 2012. TFP, Inc and All Rights Reserved.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Man Up, Stand Strong

-Man Up!
-Don't Wait for a Crisis
-Make the Critical Transition Now

Man Up!
If you are a man and you are reading this newsletter, then I am glad we got your attention. The term “man up” is the expression used by many men that describes taking on challenges, facing fears and accepting responsibility. “Stand strong” implies overcoming adversity and promoting and defending your beliefs. In this context, to ensure that you can “man up” and “stand strong” for a lifetime, it is critical that you make your health a priority. 

-Don't Wait for a Crisis 
Too many men are crisis motivated only. They wait until their pains or illnesses become debilitating. Rather than manning up and standing strong on their own accord, they do not take action on their health until they hear their family and friends screaming the wake up call, “man down!” Don’t let this happen to you.

A recent report found that 48% of women admit that they have to resort to nagging to get their husbands to see a doctor. Research shows that, in general, women live longer healthier lives than men because they are more likely to be proactive about their health and heed the early warning signs before they become major problems. 

Too many men suffer from preventable health problems that deteriorate their quality of life as they age, causing them to die sooner and more painfully than necessary. This is completely unnecessary, especially when simple lifestyle and chiropractic adjustments can keep them standing strong. 

Men spend tens of billions of dollars treating injuries to their spine that cause back pain and many other health problems that can be related to pressure in the nervous system. These spinal injuries are known as vertebral subluxations. Approximately 185,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer annually. The nerves in the lower back and upper neck supply the prostate gland.

According to the AMA, 8.8 million men suffer with coronary heart disease. The nerve supply to the heart comes from the upper back and the upper neck. 

Obesity and being overweight is also a problem. According to government statistics, the number of overweight men is alarming:

• 67.6% of men aged 35-44
• 71.3% of men aged 45-54 
• 72.5% of men aged 55-64
• 77.2% of men aged 65-74 
• 66.4% of men aged over 75 

Being overweight can contribute to herniated disks, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and may other preventable health problems. If you’ll notice from the overweight statistics, the numbers increase to age 75, and then the statistics go down. Why? At this age the severity of their health crisis leaves them no choice. “Take care of yourself now or die” have become their only options.

Make the Critical Transition Now 
Now is the time to man up, stand strong and make your health a priority. Chiropractic care is a great place to start because with a healthy spine and nervous system, your entire body can function better. 

Our office has a simple home test that you can do to check the alignment and strength of your spine. Or, if you have not had a thorough spinal examination recently, make an appointment today to get checked. Thomas Edison said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Man up, make your future now, and stand strong for a lifetime.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Side Effects? Or Direct Effects!

- The Laboratory Process
- Common Effects of Drugs
- Think Long Term 

The Laboratory Process
The most common question that individuals ask before they ever take a prescription drug is, “What are the side effects?” Before you pop another pill, you must understand how medications’ side effects directly affect your body today and in years to come. 

Medications are tested in a laboratory until the chemical reaction that they are designed to achieve is reproducible. The direct effects of this lab testing must be consistent before these chemicals are ever tested on animals or people. Once human testing begins, scientists measure the impact of these medications to see if they cause the same direct effects that were induced in a laboratory. If these effects are reproducible, the testing continues to see if any other effects occur. These are called “Side Effects” because they were not present in the laboratory setting and their impact on humans was outside of their intended effect. In actuality, these side effects are direct effects of these drugs on the body. Because we are all unique in our body chemistry, direct effects, labeled side effects, impact people differently, and they are much more common than people think. 

Common Effects of Drugs
The direct effects of Lipitor, for example, are constipation, gas, headaches, stomach pain, weakness, rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, chest pain, swelling of the mouth or face, bone, joint or tendon pain, change in urination, fever, chills, sore throat, flu-like symptoms, joint pain, muscle pain, tenderness, weakness, bowel changes, skin changes, swelling of the hands or feet, yellowing of the eyes or skin. This “incomplete” list, according to, shows that while Lipitor may affect cholesterol levels in the body, there can be dozens of other direct effects that impact you in an unhealthy way.

Drug companies prepare a list of side effects for the consumer, while also listing additional side effects that doctors should be aware of. If you go to and type in any common drug, then select “side effects,” you will notice that the side effects to the consumer take up half a page while the side effects/direct effects for the physician to be aware of might be up to a dozen pages. Most people are unaware of all the effects that medications can cause, and often treat these symptoms with other drugs. This is dangerous because the interactions between drugs can cause even more severe direct effects. Too many people unknowingly go down this road until their body chemistry and health is completely screwed up.

Think Long Term
Additionally, as in the case of Lipitor, there are twelve different listings of side effects/direct effects showing adverse reactions in greater than 2% of the cases. When you add the numbers of each direct effect, you will notice that nearly 60% of cases are experiencing at least one of these effects.

The direct effects of these medications, combined with the reality of our extended life spans to 80, 90, 100 years and beyond, and knowing that drugs only need to be tested for about 8 years before they are brought to market, makes it obvious that living a lifestyle that keeps you independently healthy and free from the need for medications is your best long-term option. 

Thomas Edison saw this coming over 100 years ago stating, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” The future is now. Our office will help you and your loved ones adjust your lifestyle so that you enjoy good health for a lifetime.

© 2012. TFP, Inc and All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Much Pain Can You Tolerate?

- The Cost of Pain in the U.S. and Canada
- The Risks of Masking Pain
- A Better Option
- The Critical Transition

“How much pain can you tolerate?” is a very interesting question. Some people have a high pain threshold and are very “macho” in their approach as they act like they can handle anything. On the other hand, many others have a mild to moderate threshold and search for a “cover up” to eliminate their unpleasant feelings. Based on the astronomical statistics of pain medication use, our level of tolerance has gone way down.

The Cost of Pain in the U.S. and Canada
In the United States the total cost of health care related to pain is approximately $600 billion and the cost to employers dealing with employees who have reduced work productivity due to pain is in the neighborhood of $100 billion per year. An Auburn University study showed that 67% of children suffered muscle soreness, 51% back pain, 24% numbness and 15% shoulder pain. Studies from John Hopkins Children Center and many other places have shown that backpacks cause back and shoulder pain and poor posture in children. Between 1997 and 2005, the medical expenses for individuals with spine problems grew from $4,695.00 to $6,096.00 per person.

According to CBC News, 54% of Canadian seniors report that chronic pain is interfering with most of their activities. The National Population Health Survey found that seniors who saw their pain increase over a two-year period were more likely to be unhappy or have a negative impression of their personal health at the end of that period. In younger Canadians between the ages of 12 and 44, 10% are already experiencing pain that is affecting their life and limiting their activities.

The Risks of Masking Pain
Too many people look to manage their pain by numbing their feelings with non-prescription or prescription drugs. Certainly in extreme cases this may be helpful as any compassionate person would agree; however, managing pain with medication as part of a lifestyle rather than getting to the cause can lessen your body’s natural pain tolerance and cause horrible side effects including nausea, sleep disruption, lack of mental clarity, lack of energy, depression and potential damage to key organs such as the liver, kidney and heart. 

Overuse can create unintended addictions to pain medication that can lead to even more challenges and difficulties in your life. 

A Better Option
Chiropractic care is a much better option for both acute and chronic pain sufferers. First of all, a chiropractic examination can locate areas in the spine that are out of balance and are putting pressure on nerves which can contribute to nearly every type of pain condition. 

Crisis Care, the type of care that is delivered when someone is in pain or suffering from a health problem, is delivered with frequent visits close together to begin realigning the spine, reducing inflammation and pressure from the nervous system, which usually provides relief and stability within a few weeks or months.

The Critical Transition
The next phase of care, called the Critical Transition, is critical because it provides consistent care with less frequent visits stretched out over a longer period of time regardless of how people feel so the spine, nervous system and body can begin to regenerate. It is this phase of the care that is necessary to support an active, healthy, long life that is either free from chronic pain or certainly makes pain much more manageable. 

Unfortunately too many people ignore this critical transition because they feel better and they go back to the destructive habits that caused their deterioration in the first place. This behavior, including numbing their pain with drugs, can only lead to more deterioration and pain even though you experience relief from the pills. Continuing your chiropractic care through the Critical Transition breaks this cycle and gives your body the chance to adapt and truly heal for the long haul.

Isn’t it time that you decide to not tolerate a pain and medication based lifestyle and the deteriorating future that it promotes? Take care of your spine and nervous system so that your body can heal itself and enjoy the quality of life you deserve. 

© 2012. TFP, Inc and All Rights Reserved.