Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Honey: Nature's Cough Remedy

For sore throats, honey soothes and fights bacteria more effectively than common pharmaceutical cough syrups, according to research at Penn State College of Medicine. In two studies, researchers found that honey was better than conventional cough syrup in suppressing nighttime coughs among children ages 1 through 18 years.

For children (12 months or older) and adults, honey can also help to ward off infection, as it contains natural antibacterial ingredients and antioxidants.  Take 1-2 tsp. and use honey to sweeten hot or cold beverages.


  1. I like to remind my patients that nutrients or enzymes that raw honey contains are destroyed by manufacturers who heat it in order to give it a clear appearance to enhance sales. It is healthier to buy 'local honey and not the manufacturer processed honey you find on Supermarket shelves.

  2. Honey is an excellent remedy for throat related problems. But diabetic patients must not take it. Thank you, Mike for such an informative post.

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