Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is Your Level Of Thinking?

Little Johnny
Little Johnny was born in the hospital.  His mother was given medications to “assist” her in the process.  The drugs slowed her contractions and as a result, it was recommended by the experts that a Caesarian be performed as to not risk the damage that a protracted delivery may cause.  The motions around Johnny’s mother became frantic and after cutting her open they grabbed Little Johnny’s neck and twisted and pulled.  There was great concern in getting him out.  There was little concern about the excess physical, chemical, and emotional stresses produced by the process.
When Little Johnny was an infant, he “caught” a cold.  The people who loved and cared about him the most put a medication formula in his bottle and smiled as he drank it, because they felt assured that he would now get  better.
At five years old, Little Johnny fell off his bike, scraped his arm and “twisted” his neck.  The people who loved and care about him the most, his parents, cleaned his wounds and gave him two St. Joseph’s aspirin.  They smiled warmly and explained to him that now he would be fine and that the pain in his neck would be made better by the aspirin.
At nine years of age, Little Johnny was playing little league football.  Going through the line, he took a hard hit to the helmet.  He came off the field complaining of neck pain.  The next morning, he woke up with a scratchy throat and congestion, his neck still sore.  The parents left reassured because now he was old enough for Junior Tylenol.  How wonderful, they thought, that their boy was getting old enough to have more medications available for use when necessary.  The people who loved and care about him the most gave him the drugs, feeling good because their fears were laid to rest as they helped their boy.
At 12 years of age, that same sore throat congestion came back, however this time the Junior Tylenol didn’t work.  Johnny’s symptoms persisted.  So now the people who loved and cared for Johnny the most took him to the person they respected the most in such matters, the guy or gal in the white coat, the pediatrician.  The pediatrician did a very thorough evaluation of Johnny, talked to his parents, and then gave Johnny drugs.
Johnny’s experience for his entire life has been when he felt bad, the people who loved and cared about him the most gave him drugs.  And the people who we respect the most as having the greatest amount of knowledge in these matters have him drugs.
Now Johnny is 16 years old and in high school.  He doesn’t make the basketball team and the girl he likes rejects him.  He feels bad.  What has been his training and programming his entire life?  And we can’t understand why the youth of your nation take drugs when we’ve programmed them to do it their entire lives.  The average 18 year old in the USA has seen 20,000 hours of drug commercials!  Image the contradictions we feed our children as they are taught to “just say no” to drugs while we feed drugs to them in record proportions.  We are not winning the drug war in this country, nor shall we as long as the culture persists in such a way.  To paraphrase Einstein, “You cannot resolve problems with the same level of thinking that existed when the problem was created.”  We have a problem.  What is your level of thinking?

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