Wednesday, June 29, 2011

36 Random Insights On Exceptionalism

1. Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning.
2. The ordinary wait for the energy to do a task. The exceptional do the task because that’s how they get the energy.
3. A job is just a job if all you see it as is a job. (Work is a vehicle to promote Full Self Expression of Your Creativity+Ingenuity+Talent).
4. The most precious asset of a businessperson isn’t time. It’s energy. Manage yours well.
5. Love your family. What’s the point of getting to uber-Success yet arriving alone?
6. From a participant at my recent Lead Without a Title event in Doha, Qatar: “The true measure of the greatness of a person is the length their shadow casts on the future.” Love it! Genius.
7. Manners matter.
8. If you’re in business, you’re in show business. And every day’s a performance.
9. “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde.
10. To double your income, triple your rate of learning. The best invest in their professional and personal development.
11. The primary purpose of business is the delivery of as much unusual value to as many people as possible.
12. Use music to boost your motivation.
13. Be ethical like Buffett. Rock the house like Bono. Innovate like Edison. Serve like Mandela.
14. You dishonor yourself when you play small with your talent.
15. Ideation without execution leads to delusion. What makes Google Google is not the idea behind Google but the culture of execution that is Google.
16. Don’t work at world-class for the money or the ovations. Do it for the pride you feel on a job brilliantly done.
17. Keep a journal.
18. Spend time in solitude. The only person you’ll be with your whole life is you. Why not get to know-and like-yourself?
19. Watch “The Fighter”.
20. Work hard. Industry stands at the foundation of Mastery.
21. Remember that the quality of your practice determines the caliber of the performance.
22. Speak your truth-even when your voice shakes.
23. Leaders leave a trail of leaders behind them. If you’re not developing the best in others, you’re not leading.
24. You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you.
25. Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery.
26. Develop your friendships. Respect your elders.
27. Make time to have fun. Life is short-enjoy the ride.
28. The bigger your dream, the more important your team.
29. If you have average people, you’ll have an average company. To have a great company, hire and coach great people.
30. Remember that your doubts are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.
31. Leadership is simple. It’s not easy. But it’s really really simple.
32. Leadership’s mostly about 3 things: Impact+Influence+Inspiration.
33. If you’re not inspiring those around you, you’re not Leading. You’re following.
34. Think for yourself.
35. “Potential unexpressed turns to pain.” From “The Leader Who Had No Title“.
36. Take brave risks. At your End, it’ll be the risks you didn’t take versus the ones you did that most fill you with regret.
Keep Leading Without A Title.- Robin Sharma

Friday, June 24, 2011

On a Scale of 1-10, How Important Is Your Health To You?

When asked, most people respond that their health is very important to them. 
When pressed for a number, the answer is almost always a 7 or higher.  How about you?  How would you rate the importance you have placed on your health up until now?

Now remember, most people come to our office for the first time with a health problem or concern that is, unfortunately, usually…minimally, chronic.  This means that their health has had to have been deteriorating for a while before consulting us.  Well, here are the attributes of the different levels of health priority:

1- Addicted-continuously looks for and adds self-destructive choices.
2- Binges-makes occasional destructive lifestyle decisions-is in denial.
3- Unconscious-doesn’t know a healthy choice from an unhealthy one.
4- Tolerates poor health – “maybe it will go away” – “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
5- Seeks treatment only when they have a problem.
6- Open to prevention of future health problems.
7- Makes effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
8- Consciously works at being healthy-makes healthy choices.
9- Occasionally looking for and adding constructive healthy lifestyle changes.
10- Continuously looking for and adding constructive healthy lifestyle changes.

It’s easy to see that for a health problem to become chronic, the importance placed on personal health could not have been higher than a 4 prior to consulting us.  Starting care requires bringing your priority up to at least a 5.  Unfortunately, what causes most people to raise the priority they place on their health is a serious health problem that doesn’t go away with their own approaches to correct the condition.

It should also be obvious that it order for one’s health to actually improve, the priority placed upon it must also be higher.  So, the question for today is, “if I started living like a 7 instead of a 4 and the problems caused by me living like a 4 were not permanent, are they likely to go away?  The answer…of course!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Which can you change, your health history or your health future?

When you entered our office we asked you to complete a health history form. The fact is that the health decisions you made last year or five (5) years ago contributed to your health or the lack of it today. We can’t go back and change your decisions of years gone by.

Honestly ask yourself, are you as healthy today as you were five (5) years ago? Will you be healthier five (5) years from now than you are today? Creating health is not an event, it is a process. The lifestyle changes you make today will contribute to your health in the future. Even though we can’t change the health decisions you made five (5) years ago, with your commitment, we can assist you in being healthier years from now. The continual process of lifestyle behavior change that leads to optimal health is known as Wellness. It is possible for you to create better health consistently year after year, it’s your choice. My wish is for you to live your life to its fullest and improve the quality of your life by creating Wellness naturally.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is responsible for sending messages to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. This communication is made possible by your spinal neurological network. This vast communication network is in charge of virtually every function in your body and determines whether you enjoy good health or disease. The central nervous system is so important that nature built armor around it, your skull and spinal column. However, even with this inborn protection our nervous system can experience
interference, injury or disturbance. We call this a Subluxation.

Your examinations have determined that you have one or multiple subluxations that exist in your spinal neurological network. This could potentially be a very serious threat to your continued overall health and well-being. What caused my subluxations? There are three commonly recognized causes of subluxations, physical trauma, chemical toxins and emotional stress.
Physical trauma is what most patients blame for their subluxations. “I slept wrong.” “I lifted something heavy.” There are many causes of physical stress to our bodies throughout our life from being born, learning how to walk, learning how to ride a bike, slips and falls, car accidents, sports injuries, hobbies and work injuries. There are multiple of physical causes that may be responsible for our subluxations that have accumulated over our lifetime.

Chemical toxins are often overlooked as a cause of our subluxations. Chemicals are a direct poison to our nervous system. Chemicals can interfere with or disturb with the functions of our nervous system just as easy as a trauma. What many of us don’t realize is just how many chemical toxins we expose ourselves to on a daily basis. List includes: food dyes, sweeteners,   preservatives, chemicals in our air and water, hormones in the meats, processed foods, caffeine, nicotine, prescriptions and over the counter drugs, cleaning chemicals, perfumes, hair spray, detergents...the list goes on and on. We are a chemical dependant society and these chemicals poison our nervous system resulting in subluxations everyday.

Mental and emotional stress is the most common cause of subluxations in the world today. Our nervous system filters and processes stress on a moment to moment basis. When our nervous system is overwhelmed by the constant or chronic stress that we endure on a daily basis it breaks down resulting in chronic subluxations. When we are worried, fearful or stressed, when we experience relationship, money or job problems, when life just doesn’t seem to go our way it takes its toll on our nervous system. Stress is inescapable in our society and a frequent subluxation producer.

During your Path-To-Wellness care plan our goal is to remove your subluxations, optimize your health and provide you with real life strategies to eliminate or reduce your physical, chemical and emotional stressors to provide you with lasting results and lasting health.

Explore Chiropractic

Our Mission:
To foster, promote, and inspire health excellence to the people of northern Minnesota.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Are You Subluxated?

...if left uncorrected have devastating effects on our health!

We learned with the first component of the chiropractic paradigm that the body is a self healing organism. In the next component, we discovered that our nervous system is what is responsible for the function of every cell, tissue and organ in our body. In the third component of the chiropractic paradigm, we find that subluxations damage the ability of our nervous system to communicate properly. The fourth component teaches us that the interference to the nervous system from subluxations is devastating to our health potential, even life

The nervous system, when interfered with, begins a progressive downward spiral regarding our health and well-being. When our nervous system is subluxated it no longer has the ability to respond appropriately to the environmental stresses we place upon our body. Subluxations may lessen our body’s ability to perform at every level: our immune system may be hampered, our emotional stability becomes fragile, our mental clarity may be cloudy, our organs may not function properly, and sometimes even fail, our strength and coordination becomes weak and clumsy, and even our genetic expression may be damaged. If this isn’t bad enough, subluxations continue to worsen over time as our body slowly deteriorates.
Recent studies confirm our worst fears about subluxations.

Subluxations have become the known as the “silent killer” because of how they destroy our health often without symptoms. Every man, woman and child should be checked for subluxations and possible nerve interference! When was the last time you and your family were checked for subluxations?