Monday, January 30, 2012

Common Stresses Lead To Need For Chiropractic In Children

In the January/February 1995 issues of the ICA International Review ofMaxine McMullen, D.C. reports on the physical stresses children are
subjected to that can lead to spinal problems requiring chiropractic care.
Dr. McMullen, Dean of Chiropractic Sciences at Palmer College, is the chair of
the International Chiropractors Association Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics. In
the article, McMullen points out that stress on the infant encountered during the
medically assisted delivery process (from mechanical extraction, such as forceps,
suction devices or cesarean section) can cause severe problems from too much
force being applied to the infant’s neck. Problems that can result include
irritability, colic, failure to thrive, and lowered immune response syndromes.
Developmental problems also occur as the child grows older. When a woman
breast feeds her baby, movement on one side of the baby’s body is constricted
while freedom of movement is allowed on the other side. This process is reversed
as the baby is changed from one breast to another and allows for a balanced input
of perception into the baby’s central nervous system, a necessity for proper
development. Mothers who bottle feed their babies tend to choose the side that is
most comfortable for them and stick with that position during every feeding. As a
result, there is not a balanced perception input and therefore improper nervous
system development can occur.
When babies starts to cross-crawl at about six months of age, it is important not to
put them into playpens, walkers or hanging baby seats. Forcing erect posture on a
baby too early puts stress on structures not yet ready for such forces. Predictably,
problems result. If the problems are not corrected, as they are under Chiropractic
Care, they degrade into scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), muscle
imbalances, motor dysfunction and symptoms of unknown origin which may not
present themselves until much later in life along with the complaint “but I didn’t
do anything” to make it hurt.
Dr. McMullen closes the report by saying “Those children one cares for
chiropractically on a regular basis develop strong, well-balanced, musculoskeletal
structures accompanied by attitudes [mindful] of the need to take responsibility for
one’s own health, not merely the absence of disease. This trend should be
consistent rather than sporadic as it is at present.”

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